If you're a birder, you'll know what a life list is. It's basically a list of all the bird species one has observed and positively ID'd in one's lifetime. This blog is a record of my "critter" life list (mostly of birds), including photos I've taken over the years, some of the actual lifer if I was lucky enough to get the shot. Don't expect National Geographic quality stuff here, just the work of an amateur photog who loves to trudge out into nature.

Sunday, October 25, 2015

Barn Owl (Tyto alba)

6/22/02 Prado Constructed Wetlands, Prado Dam area, Chino, San Bernardino County, CA

We came upon this injured owl during a birding tour of the Prado Constructed Wetlands. Fortunately, our guide was a biologist with the Orange County Water District and was able to get this poor fellow to a raptor rehab facility. 



SPECIES: Tyto alba


LOCATION: Prado Constructed Wetlands, Chino, San Bernardino County, CA

From Kaufman Focus Guide: Birds of North America:

HABITAT: Widespread in North America (and the world), but scarce over much of its range. Hunts by night, seeking rodents; by day, it lurks inside barns, old buildings, dry wells, caves, dense trees. 

IDENTIFYING MARKS: 16"; Pale overall, with odd heart-shaped face, dark eyes. 

VOICE: Dry rasping hiss, metallic clicking noises. In flight, a hoarse shriek that cuts off abruptly at end. 

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