If you're a birder, you'll know what a life list is. It's basically a list of all the bird species one has observed and positively ID'd in one's lifetime. This blog is a record of my "critter" life list (mostly of birds), including photos I've taken over the years, some of the actual lifer if I was lucky enough to get the shot. Don't expect National Geographic quality stuff here, just the work of an amateur photog who loves to trudge out into nature.

Friday, October 23, 2015

Spotted Sandpiper (Actitis macularia)

2/3/02 Davis Road, Wister Unit, Imperial County Wildlife Area, Imperial County, CA 


COMMON NAME: Spotted Sandpiper

SPECIES: Actitis macularia


LOCATION: Andree Clark Bird Refuge, 1400 E. Cabrillo Blvd., Santa Barbara, CA

From Stokes Field Guide to Birds: Western Region

IDENTIFYING MARKS: 8"; Distinctive flight and tail bobbing help identify this bird. Summer: Large dark spots on white underparts; repeatedly bobs tail while walking; bill pinkish orange with darker tip. Female more boldly patterned than male. Winter: grayish above; pure white below; bill is dark. 

VOICE: In alarm or aggression gives series of short whistles like weet tweet weet. During courtship gives peetaweet peetaweet.

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