If you're a birder, you'll know what a life list is. It's basically a list of all the bird species one has observed and positively ID'd in one's lifetime. This blog is a record of my "critter" life list (mostly of birds), including photos I've taken over the years, some of the actual lifer if I was lucky enough to get the shot. Don't expect National Geographic quality stuff here, just the work of an amateur photog who loves to trudge out into nature.

Saturday, November 7, 2015

American/Water Pipit (Anthus rubescens)

2/24/02 San Jacinto Wildlife Area, Riverside County, CA 

11/24/02 San Jacinto Wildlife Area.


COMMON NAME: American Pipit (formerly known as "Water" Pipit)

SPECIES: Anthus rubescens

FAMILY: Motacillidae (Pipits & Wagtails)


LOCATION: San Jacinto Wildlife Area, Riverside County, CA

From Stokes Field Guide to Birds-Western Region & Kaufman Focus Guide-Birds of North America:

HABITAT/BEHAVIOR: During the cooler months, flocks of these slim birds walk in open fields and mudflats, wagging their tails up and down. If flushed, the flock makes off with undulating flight and sharp  calls. For summer, they go to tundra of far north and high mountains.

IDENTIFYING MARKS: 6 1/2"; Gray brown above, whitish to buff below, with streaked chest. In summer, richer pinkish buff below with fainter streaks. Narrow white outer edge on tail; legs usually blackish. 

VOICE: Song in high flight continuous chwee chwee chwee...Callnote a sharp dejeet or jeejeet, often while flying. 

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